Our People

Paul De La Porte

Paul De La Porte


T: 02034362373

Paul is a Partner and Lead Lawyer based in Keogh’s London office.  Paul has acted for insurers in respect of a wide range of disputes concerning property risks, coverage and indemnity and injury for more than 20 years.  Instructions often involve multiparty, complex and high-value disputes and the diverse nature of Paul’s work involves court proceedings, adjudication and arbitration, where he is often involved in leading mediations, joint settlement meetings or less formal negotiations.

Instructions have included a diverse range of matters including the UK’s highest valued domestic burglary, serious damage to a fighter jet, a catastrophic crane collapse, loss of a fishing vessel and multiple loss of life and recovery proceedings involving a formula one race driver.  Paul has great experience dealing with matters attracting public and media interest and incidents and disputes requiring a careful approach to sensitive, private and confidential issues. Paul’s experience has allowed him to provide wider commercial support clients, including contract advice and guidance, managing uninsured financial threats to a business and product recall and remediation schemes.

Paul has also provided comprehensive support to clients in response to many major incidents involving criminal and regulatory investigations and proceedings and associated civil actions.