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    Employers’ and Public Liability

    A trusted strategic partner

    We work closely with six of the UK’s top 10 liability insurers and have an extensive client portfolio of self-insureds and other compensators. We handle all casualty claims, from low-value matters to catastrophic injuries with multi-million-pound settlements, with a focus not only on minimising indemnity spend but also the protection of our clients’ brand reputation.

    As well as our dedicated casualty team, our employers’ and public liability experience delivers a wide range of expertise across the firm, including legacy and complex claims, corporate, fraud, and health & safety.

    Whatever type of injury and claim you face, our EL/PL experts will provide the best possible support and strategic advice.

    Key Contacts

    Related Insights

    Utmost severity traumatic brain injury cases: Is the claimant likely to emerge from a permanent vegetative state (PVS)?

    Functional neurological disorder: is it real?


    Road to Recovery Podcast: Episode 4

    Other Areas of Expertise


    Claims Technology Solutions

    Disrupting claims management with innovation & technology


    The service you deliver is integral to the success of your business. With the right technology, we can help you to heighten your customer experience, improve underwriting performance, and streamline processes.