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Power, Energy & Utilities

Providing a long-standing customer base with market-leading expertise

The Keoghs team includes some of the foremost experts in handling key claims for the sector. This makes us very well placed to manage the ever-changing needs of businesses operating across all areas of Power, Energy and Utilities.

In particular, we support our clients with the largest dedicated legacy disease team in the market, delivering technical excellence and strategies to corporate clients which aim to secure the earliest possible appropriate resolution of each case.

We also provide an unsurpassed casualty capability, with many of the major players in the commercial casualty claims market entrusting us with their claims handling for decades. This is combined with a national regulatory team that handle all aspects of health and safety, property risks, and coverage experts who understand the plethora of legal issues arising from DNO property liability claims. We also have our fleet claims manager solution which is complemented by an industry-leading uninsured loss recovery offering.

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Claims Technology Solutions

Disrupting claims management with innovation & technology


The service you deliver is integral to the success of your business. With the right technology, we can help you to heighten your customer experience, improve underwriting performance, and streamline processes.