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    Mandating of OCMC: Further Developments

    Whiplash reforms - July 2017

    Whiplash Tariff Increase: Key Points for Insurers

    supreme court

    Adjudication in the spotlight: Two recent and contrasting decisions involving historic building safety defect claims

    working at computer

    Updates on the Damages Claims Portal (DCP) and Development Challenges – March 2025

    Utmost severity traumatic brain injury cases: Is the claimant likely to emerge from a permanent vegetative state (PVS)?

    Functional neurological disorder: is it real?

    boarding school

    Scotland Abuse Case Update - Divisibility of psychiatric injury, causation and the assessment of damages in historic abuse matters

    Autonomous vehicles - is the UK at risk of losing its edge?

    Government announces Implementation Programme for Automated Vehicles Act: What insurers need to know

    Taking Stock 720

    Taking Stock '25


    Road to Recovery Podcast: Episode 4


    The Market Affairs Podcast - The future of Flood Re

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