• Public Sector

    Our experienced multi-disciplinary team provides a full suite of coverage for our public sector clients

    As a market-leading provider of insurance legal services, with a dedicated sector strategy, Keoghs are best placed to manage the ever-changing needs of clients from within the public sector.

    Our casualty, motor, property, legacy, fraud, complex injury, and health and safety teams are all hugely experienced in working alongside our public sector clients to provide expert guidance and support. Several members of our team have worked within local authorities, and we have significant experience of working with social landlords, housing associations, government ministries, the NHS, charities, and public bodies. This gives us a deep understanding of the issues that affect public sector organisations.

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    Other Areas of Expertise


    Claims Technology Solutions

    Disrupting claims management with innovation & technology


    The service you deliver is integral to the success of your business. With the right technology, we can help you to heighten your customer experience, improve underwriting performance, and streamline processes.