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    Taking Stock '25


    Our latest Taking Stock risk catalogue identifies significant trends across retail claims, providing an at-a-glance guide for 2025. Using our risk movement index, we classify the ongoing impact of each threat in comparison to the previous year, summarising vital mitigation strategies to help retailers be as agile and proactive as possible.

    We will continue to shine a spotlight on major claims risks and help retailers navigate the choppy waters created by factors such as an ongoing cost of living crisis, and a new UK government. In the meantime, fill in the form and receive your summary of the retail claims landscape for 2025.

    You can request a copy of the guide here.

    Kari Hansen

    Kari Hansen
    Head of Retail


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    Disrupting claims management with innovation & technology


    The service you deliver is integral to the success of your business. With the right technology, we can help you to heighten your customer experience, improve underwriting performance, and streamline processes.